
Peripheral Artery Disease: PAD für iPhone

  • Kostenlos

  • In Deutsch
  • V 3.58.2
  • 4.2

  • Sicherheitsstatus


Periphere Arterienerkrankung: PAD

Peripheral Artery Disease: PAD is a lifestyle and health & fitness application available on iPhone. It is developed by The To Way My Heart Inc and is free to download and use.

This app offers a supportive community for individuals dealing with Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). It provides a platform for users to share their experiences, ask questions, and learn more about PAD. Users can also find walking buddies nearby to stay motivated and make new lifestyle choices.

The app features comprehensive educational resources on PAD, keeping users updated on the latest advancements in PAD care, diagnostic and treatment options, and finding skilled specialists. Users can also explore natural approaches to PAD and get support in areas like smoking cessation and foot and wound care.

Clinicians have their own separate group within the app to share knowledge and case studies.

When users join the community, they are assigned a PAD Navigator from TheWayToMyHeart.org who provides personalized support throughout their journey. The Navigator helps users understand their diagnosis and treatment options, connects them with specialists, and offers accountability and support for lifestyle modifications.

Overall, Peripheral Artery Disease: PAD is a valuable resource for individuals dealing with PAD, providing education, support, and connection to a supportive community.

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Peripheral Artery Disease: PAD für iPhone

  • Kostenlos

  • In Deutsch
  • V 3.58.2
  • 4.2

  • Sicherheitsstatus

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